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Fall Bistro Menu
We are open for dining
Wednesday to Saturday 11:30AM to 2:30PM & 4:30PM to 8:30PM
Order online for takeout orders
Our Farm to Table Menu can be prepared for Take Out,
along with our Family Dinners, Kits & Bistro Boxes To-Go!
Join Dr. William T. Lewis Sr., nationally recognized diversity, equity and inclusion thought leader on his BEYOND COLOR BLIND TOUR: Taking Action Against Racial Injustice in America
Drawing from his experiences as a former higher education chief diversity officer, an adjunct faculty and a diversity, equity and inclusion consultant, Dr. Lewis will share big ideas, personal experiences and relevant solutions regarding taking action against racial injustice in America.
You can ask the hard questions about racial injustice free from being shamed or blamed.
You will receive real and relevant action steps to enact change.
You will hear a refreshing voice of information and inspiration.
You will have a safe space to learn and develop.
You will laugh despite the seriousness of the topic.

What is my why?
During times of racial crisis, I have heard my black friends, family and colleagues state that they are tired of having to "teach" white people how to be civil and humane to black people. And at the same time, my white friends and colleagues are looking for nuanced knowledge about race relations in America.
I have committed myself to stand in the gap and be the bridge between the fatigue of "teaching" and the thirst for knowledge.
What's the meaning of Beyond Color Blind?

I have often heard this statement from my white friends and colleagues, "I do not see color!" Although this statement is usually expressed in the spirit of goodwill, it misses a major reality, since 1619 America has seen color, principally Black and White. The eradication of systematic racism is an intentional and ongoing process that calls upon each American citizen be aware that America's present has been colored by Her past. So, to change, we must see color.
About Dr. William T. Lewis, Sr.
Dr. William T. Lewis, nationally recognized diversity and inclusion thought leader, entrepreneur and executive coach, has authored several articles, most notably, he was one of three co-authors of the historic Standards of Professional Practice for the Chief Diversity Officers (2014), published by the National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education (NADOHE). Lewis is co-founder of CoopLew, a company dedicated to developing diversity officers into transformative leaders.
As a former Chief Diversity Officer, Dr. Lewis has led diversity and inclusion efforts at three highly acclaimed colleges and universities-- Indiana University, Bridgewater State University and Virginia Tech University. Most recently, Lewis served as the Special Consultant to the President for Belonging, Equity and Inclusion at Forsyth Technical Community College.
He has dedicated his entire professional career to living the spirit of his social work background by"providing a voice for the voiceless and creating inclusive spaces for each person to reach their full potential.”

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Who is the Beyond Color Blind Tour For?

Kate Reece, Director
Wake Forest Center for Private Business
"Working with Dr. William Lewis has been truly an incredible life changing experience for me, both personally and professionally."
Dr. Jewel Cherry, Vice President for Equity
Forsyth Tech Community College
"I have been impressed his calm and reassuring manner as he led us here at the institution into some difficulty and oftentimes tense conversations."
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